FOR2625 Symposium 2021


Pre-registration open now!

Due to the ongoing and uncertain situation in regard to the coronavirus pandemic we are currently considering to organize our FOR2625 symposium as a virtual or hybrid meeting. Official registration is therefore postponed to January 2021 when the final setting of our symposium is fixed, any news on the status of the symposium’s reorganisation will be announced on this website.

We invite everyone interested in attending our symposium – be it in a virtual form or on-site in Berlin – to pre-register with us already now. You will then be informed as soon as the official registration opens and a place will be reserved for all pre-registered participants for a duration of 14 days. Pre-registration does not oblige for final registration.

For pre-registration please sign up here.

Maximal number of participants – in case symposium will take place on site: 160 participants places are assigned on a first-come -first-served basis!
Maximum registration fee – in case symposium can take place on site: € 200.00 registration will include admission to all scientific sessions, conference material, certificate of attendance, coffee breaks, lunch and welcome reception